Cloud Infrastructure / DevOps / Site Reliability Engineer

Linux geek

Passionate learner and teacher



The following projects are in my GitLab account, and are projects that I hope others find useful. Some of these projects have not been updated in a long time, so use at your own risk. If you find one useful, please let me know!

  • My IP Lambda - An AWS lambda function that can be queried to find out what my current public IP address is. This Lambda was written mostly to experiement with the AWS `sam` tool for generating pipelines, as well as to build dynamic environments with GitLab CI.
  • Dynamic DNS Updater - A python script that can create and update DNS A records with your current public IP address. The script supports both CloudFlare and Gandi LiveDNS as DNS providers.
  • Containers Homelab - A project in which I build container images for use with various projects in my homelab.
  • Emporia Energy Vue Exporter - This project is a prometheus exporter for Emporia Energy Vue devices. It works by retrieving data from the Emporia Energy Cloud, using the PyEmVue module.
  • Cyberpower Exporter - This project is a prometheus exporter for Cyberpower UPS devices.
  • My Website - Project that builds this very here website! It's a single static HTML page hosted on GitLab pages.
